Verified Account

Binance Verified Account

Are you in need of a Binance account? Do you want to make sure that your account is verified? Here’s how you can buy a verified Binance account.
Verified Binance Account We are providing the TOP Quality USA,UK,CA phone, document verified aged accounts at the cheapest rate. customer satisfaction. Binance is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. You can buy verified Binance accounts from a variety of online sources. These accounts come with a wide range of benefits, including access to exclusive features and tools, increased security, and more.

Binance is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. You can buy verified Binance accounts from a variety of online sources. These accounts come with a wide range of benefits, including access to exclusive features and tools, increased security, and more.

With a verified account, you’ll be able to trade cryptocurrencies with confidence and peace of mind.

If you’re looking for a safe and secure way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, then you need to check out Binance. Binance is the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, with over 200 million users worldwide. And now, you can buy verified Binance accounts right here on Accountify!

With an account on Binance, you’ll be able to take advantage of their low trading fees, high security standards, and wide range of supported coins. So why wait? Buy your verified Binance account today!

Buy Verified Binance Account

Can Binance Freeze Your Account

Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has been known to freeze accounts without notice or explanation. In some cases, users have had their funds frozen for weeks or even months. This can be extremely frustrating, especially if you need access to your money urgently.

So what gives? Why does Binance freeze accounts and what can you do about it? The first thing to understand is that Binance is not a regulated financial institution.

That means they don’t have to follow the same rules as banks or other financial companies. They are free to set their own policies and procedures, which includes freezing user accounts. There are a few possible reasons why Binance might freeze an account.

One is if they suspect you of being involved in illegal activity such as money laundering or terrorist financing. Another possibility is if you live in a country where cryptocurrency trading is restricted or banned (e.g., China). Finally, Binance may simply be trying to protect itself from fraudsters by temporarily suspending suspicious accounts.

If your account gets frozen, there’s not much you can do about it except wait and hope that Binance will eventually unfreeze it. In the meantime, you won’t be able to trade on the platform or access your funds. So if you need immediate access to your money, it’s best not to keep it all stored on Binance (or any other cryptocurrency exchange for that matter).

Can I Buy in Binance Even Not Verified?

If you’re not verified on Binance, you can still make deposits and trade cryptocurrencies that are listed in the “market” section. However, you will be unable to trade cryptocurrencies that are listed in the “others” section, and your withdrawal limit will be 2 BTC per day. To get started, simply create an account on Binance and deposit your desired cryptocurrency into your account.

Why are People Buying Binance Accounts?

There are many reasons why people are buying Binance accounts. The most popular reason is because Binance is one of the most user-friendly exchanges in the market. Additionally, Binance has a very low trading fee (0.1%) and offers a variety of features that make it an attractive option for cryptocurrency traders.

Finally, Binance supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, which gives users a lot of flexibility when it comes to trading.

Can I Have 2 Verified Binance Account?

Yes, you can have two verified Binance accounts. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, each account must have its own unique email address.

Second, you will need to complete the verification process for each account separately. Finally, keep in mind that each account is subject to the same withdrawal limits.

How Do I Get Verified Plus on Binance?

There are a few requirements you must meet before being eligible for Binance’s verification process. First, you must be a registered and verified user on the platform with a Level 2 account or higher. Secondly, your account must have completed KYC verification.

Lastly, you will need to have deposited or traded at least 1 BTC worth of cryptocurrency within the past 30 days. If you meet all these requirements, then you can begin the verification process by going to the “Account” section and selecting “Verify Plus.” From there, you will need to provide information such as your name, email address, phone number and nationality.

Once all that is submitted, Binance will review your application and get back to you within 5 business days.

Verified Binance Account

1 Account



✔ 100% consumer satisfaction
✔ kyc-verified binance account
✔ Binance Email and password.
✔ 100% full document verified
✔ Verified Phone: Any Countrys Phone Verify.
✔ NID (National Identity Number) or SSN (Social Security number)
✔ Bank Account Approved
✔ Driving license or passport or visa card used.
✔ Passport number or passport card
✔ Replacement guaranteed within short time
✔ Money back guarantee 100%

Verified Binance Account

With Document



✔ 100% consumer satisfaction
✔ kyc-verified binance account
✔ Binance Email and password.
✔ 100% full document verified
✔ Verified Phone: Any Countrys Phone Verify.
✔ NID (National Identity Number) or SSN (Social Security number)
✔ Bank Account Approved
✔ Driving license or passport or visa card used.
✔ Passport number or passport card
✔ Replacement guaranteed within short time
✔ Money back guarantee 100%

Verified Binance Account

2 Account



✔ 100% consumer satisfaction
✔ kyc-verified binance account
✔ Binance Email and password.
✔ 100% full document verified
✔ Verified Phone: Any Countrys Phone Verify.
✔ NID (National Identity Number) or SSN (Social Security number)
✔ Bank Account Approved
✔ Driving license or passport or visa card used.
✔ Passport number or passport card
✔ Replacement guaranteed within short time
✔ Money back guarantee 100%

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