Claim Username

Claim Inactive Tiktok Usernames

Let’s get you a username that you love!

Let’s get you the perfect username!

Get Inactive Tiktok Usernames

Got a TikTok handle that you’d like to have, but it’s already taken and inactive? Looking to claim an inactive TikTok handle to match your Instagram and Facebook profiles? We can help! We’ve done over 100 TikTok claims. Get yours today!

Is this service guaranteed?

Yes. We accept orders that we are sure will get delivered in 2 weeks. If we don’t, you are covered by our 100% refund policy.

Do you need my login credentials?

No, just your existing IG handle, desired username, and the email linked to your account.

Can I claim a verified account?

No, verification isn’t transferable. However, we can help verify your account through our Tiktok Username Claim service.

Will the followers be transferred to my claimed tiktok name?

No, but we can help you grow your followers.


01. Popular usernames

Claim any popular Tiktok username you desire. It can belong to an individual or business but cannot be too generic or active (example: @cat or @pizza or @police).

02. Brand names

Acquire a brand name or company name even if it holds a trademark. The desired username must be inactive for six months or more.

03. Trending usernames

From popular movie characters to tv shows - anything that’s the flavor of the moment can be secured as a username on facebook.

How it Works

The process to claim an inactive Tiktok username is simple & easy!




The username you’d like must be inactive for at least 1.5 years and be of 6 characters or more in length. Additionally, it cannot be a generic word or a noun like @pizza or @police.




To begin with, we’ll need your current and desired username. Based on this info, we’ll make an application with our media partner at Tiktok.




Within a few days, the Instagram internal team will process your application and edit your current username to your desired one. And voila, your username is claimed!

TikTok Username Claims



  • Get an inactive username to match your personal or brand identity
  • The desired username must be 6 characters or more in length
  • Delivery in under 7 business days

Tiktok Rare and Generic Usernames



  • Exclusive service for claims of generic or short usernames handles
  • The desired username must be inactive for 3 years or more
  • Delivery in under 30 business days




  • Exclusive service for claims of short or generic username handles
  • The desired username must be inactive for 3 years or more
  • Delivery in under 30 business days

What Our Clients Say