Social Media Verification, PR and Username Claims | SocialSlash

Tiktok Verification

Unable to get that coveted blue badge? We can help!

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Guaranteed TikTok Verification Service

TikTok is the fastest-growing social media platform, and it’s here to stay. If you’re looking to get that coveted blue badge next to your profile name, then you’ve come to the right place. Get your personal and brand profiles verified in no time, with our lightning-fast TikTok verification services!

What are the benefits of getting verified on TikTok?

Getting verified on TikTok will improve your brand value, multiply your organic following, prevent the risk of impersonation, and increase your account’s trustworthiness amongst viewers.

Will the verification badge on TikTok be permanent?

Yes, the badge will be permanent as long as you follow the guidelines set by TikTok.

What about refunds?

You are entitled to a full refund if your profile is not verified within 90 days. We can also submit your profile again and retry for verification after a 30-day break.

What difference will the blue badge make on my TikTok following?

The verification badge on TikTok will help audiences know that the content they are viewing is from a genuine source. This will help your brand automatically build trust, increase its popularity, and give you an edge against your competitors.

how do I Get verified on tikTok?

Getting verified on TikTok is possible if you’re an influencer, musician, celebrity, TV personality, public figure, renowned entrepreneur, and alike. However, your notability must be established.

How Does The Verification Process Work?

TikTok grants the blue badge to the user accounts who have extensive coverage in online news publications and are verified on at least one other social media platform (Twitter/ Instagram/ Facebook/ YouTube).

Does My account Size Matter For Verification?

The number of followers does not make a big difference while getting your account verified on TikTok. What matters is your online presence when someone Googles your name.

TikTok Verification

For Personal



  • For profiles that are eligible and meet the requirement for verification
  • Must have 10 full feature articles on notable and reliable news sites OR
  • A verified Instagram, Facebook, and/or Twitter profile
  • Delivery in under 7 business days

PR + TikTok

For Individuals



  • Get guaranteed PR + TikTok verification service for your personal profile
  • 8-10 full feature articles on notable and reliable magazines will be provided
  • 100% money back if TikTok is not verified
  • Delivery in under 30 business days

PR + TikTok

For Brands



  • Get guaranteed PR + TikTok verification service for your brand profile
  • 8-12 full feature articles on notable and reliable magazines will be provided
  • 100% money back if TikTok is not verified
  • Delivery in under 60 business days

What Our Clients Say