Social Media Verification, PR and Username Claims | SocialSlash

Twitter Verification

Unable to get that coveted blue badge? We can help!

Let’s get your Twitter verified!

Guaranteed Twitter Verification Service

If you’re unable to verify your Twitter page, then you’ve come to the right place. Whether you have all the PR that makes you eligible for verification or not – we can help you in either scenario with our guaranteed Twitter verification service. Let’s get your profile or page verified today!

Who is eligible for Twitter verification?

You must be a notable brand or public figure (musician, artist, influencer, athlete, doctor, investor, etc.) to be eligible to get verified on Twitter.

How many followers do I need for the verification tick?

You should have at least 1000-1500 followers for Twitter account verification. However, if you have lesser followers, we can help you get more followers through our Twitter Followers Growth plans.

How does the Twitter verification process work?

Our team will review your application and ascertain your notability and Google presence. We can directly submit your application for Twitter verification if you have strong existing press about you or your brand. Otherwise, we will create news articles and press for you and then proceed with submitting your application.

Will my verification badge on Facebook stay permanently?

At any point, if Facebook discovers your account offers false or misleading information, the verification badge can be taken down by the social media platform. Hence, to maintain the badge, you must comply with Facebook’s rules and regulations.

Why should I choose an agency rather than self-applying for Twitter verification?

You’re always welcome to try it yourself. However, only less than 1% of direct applications are successful. On the other hand, an agency fulfills all requirements for Twitter verification from start to finish and uses special access to submit your application. This increases the chances of getting you the blue badge.

Do you guarantee Twitter verification?

Yes! We only accept an order when we’re sure that we can get you Twitter-verified.

What about refunds?

In the rare instance that your Twitter verification application gets rejected or we fail to get you verified within the promised TAT, we’ll issue a full refund if you had opted for the 100% guaranteed solution. Else, we may also retry for Twitter verification after a 30-day break.


how do I Get Verified on Twitter?

To get verified on Twitter, you need the right agency partner to guide you through the process. Unlike earlier, directly applying on Twitter for verification isn’t working anymore.


Will my verification badge stay forever?

Yes, your verification badge will be permanent, unless, you violate Twitter’s terms or guidelines.


Does the number of followers on Twitter make any difference in the verification process?

Not necessarily. It’s preferred that you have at least 1000-1500 followers on Twitter (and we can help you get there!). But there’s no minimum number of followers you must have to be eligible for Twitter verification.

Twitter Verification

Submission Only




Twitter Verification

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Twitter Verification

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Already have some existing press? Not sure if it’s enough? Contact us for a customized solution.

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