Social Media Verification, PR and Username Claims | SocialSlash

Youtube Verification

Join the class of the elite with our guaranteed Youtube verification service!

Get your Youtube Channel verified today!

Guaranteed Youtube Verification Service

Want to join the elite club of content creators and dominate the comment sections and Youtube SERPs? If so, Maximatic’s guaranteed Youtube verification service is just what you’ve been looking for. Stop wasting your time on unreliable providers and get your Youtube channel verified by Maximatic Media in mere days!

How can I know if your Youtube verification service is truly risk-free?

We pride ourselves on being one of the only service providers in the industry that allows their customers to opt for escrow. We are a results-oriented business and thus, only work on guarantees. In the event we fail to render our Youtube verification service successfully, we will either issue a full refund via your desired payment method or the funds submitted into escrow will be remitted back to you in-full.

Will you be needing access to my account?

We will never ask you for your login or password. Ever. All of our submissions are processed internally via the Media Partnership program and do not require access to your accounts.

Can you guarantee verification?

Given the nature of the service, the only thing we can truly guarantee is a full refund in the event of failure. The final decision is entirely within the control of Youtube’s internal staff. Having said that, we have never once failed to verify a Youtube channel as the verification requirements are far less stringent than on any other platform.


how do I Get Verified on Youtube?

To get verified on Youtube, you need the right agency partner to guide you through the process. Unlike earlier, directly applying on Youtube for verification isn’t working anymore.


Will my verification badge stay forever?

Yes, your verification badge will be permanent, unless, you violate Youtube terms or guidelines.


Does the number of followers on Youtube make any difference in the verification process?

Not necessarily. It’s preferred that you have at least 1000-1500 followers on Youtube (and we can help you get there!). But there’s no minimum number of followers you must have to be eligible for Youtube verification.

Youtube Verification

Full Bundle



  • Guaranteed Youtube Channel verification on a channel of your choice
  • No media presence requirements
  • Delivered within 3 business day

What Our Clients Say